Tuesday, June 7, 2011

8 Ghante...The Sets Build Perspective

For 8 hours, rather than "loitering around and wasting time in the Connaught Place circles" as Pandey* says, we are thinking production and constructing sets that are worth the effort and look elegant.

Our activity starts at our new base "Naatak House". We go through the task list for the day, gather tools and raw materials and commence our operations. After a few trials, we have some prototypes ready. Based on the prototypes, we are now mechanized robots manufacturing the full set pieces. Although we miss the chai, beer & margaritas that we have been pampered with in the last productions; we like the new build venue - over time certain conveniences will follow.

This is one of the less demanding productions that I've worked on. It is a brain-teaser in recollecting and refreshing topics that we've learnt in the past - from "angle-bisectors" to "+/-/ground wiring". Checkout our blog on "how to cut wooden circles". Always a learning experience :)

PS: Interesting? Curious? Join our backstage tour on the days of the show.

*Pandey - One of the characters in the play.

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