Saturday, April 23, 2011

"8 Ghante" Poster: Marketing is an Art.....

Poster for "8 Ghante" is out. After 2 weeks of brainstorming, creativity, negotiating with the artist without hurting her feelings ;-), convincing the Engineering types of your ideas....

It's no different than what I do at work for hi-tech marketing. Exact same steps - just it takes MUCH LONGER as there are several layers of bosses, everyone has to have an opinion (even if they dont deserve to have one ;-), there are things like "putting food on the table" and "career-limiting move" kind of phrases the marketing guy has to learn things like 'understanding different behaviors', looking at different people's Myers-Briggs profiles, politics, when to stop pushing the limits etc etc.

But I digress....

How is this poster? Does it make you stop - to read further - after the first glance. Every single facet of the poster is carefully designed to make that happen. Then, every word is carefully chosen. Does it make you want to watch the play? Does it create the intrigue? Does it tell you what the play is about? And the litmus test is, you as a customer after buying the product (after seeing this 'ad') feel satisfied or cheated?

Post comments here or send me feedback at

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