Saturday, April 23, 2011

"Hi.. I am a PC.. and I am a Typewriter"

PC: "Hi.. I am a PC and Windows 7 was my idea."
TW: "Hi.. I am a typewriter and PC was my idea..."
PC: (interrupting the TW) "What the.."
TW: "Many things you have gotten from me.."
PC: "Oh yeah! Like what..?"
TW: "The QWERTY layout, word processing, page printing, the typewriter font, the jargon - Backspace, linefeed, tab, shift etc"
TW: "Have you heard of tty devices.. like /dev/pts/4 or /dev/tty2 ?"
PC: "No.."
TW: "With the advent of smart phones and pads, the PC is the next typewriter..."

Funny Video - "Typewriter and PC"

Curious? Watch us @ "8 Ghante"


  1. Looking for the cast of 8 ghante. Not easy to find , either on the blog or on fb !!!

  2. Alex, We just updated the blog with cast & crew information.
